Non-Fiction Prompt #2

January 3, 2016 at 12:55 pm  •  Posted in Blogs, Contest, Home Page, Non-Fiction, Welcome by

When I consider the phrase “Missed Connections,” I imagine a hollow space, a kind of emptiness where a relationship might have been. Think of those Missed Connections listings on Craigslist, or in the Georgia Straight. Here’s one, as an example:

You Cut My Hair: This a long shot but here it goes. You cut my hair today and would love to have a coffee or a drink with you was to shy to ask you. Your name starts with L. Tell me what you told me to take off so that I know it’s you if by chance you see this.

Posted December 31st, 2015 in the “I Saw You” section of the Georgia Straight.

And another:

Angel Eyes Had My Back! I was having an argument with an arrogant man re. the exploitation of local emerging artists for personal gain. You were sitting next to us reading and while you didn’t say anything, your eyes were enough. Thank you for looking up when you did. Every time I thought I was going crazy (“Maybe he’s right, and I’m not understanding something…”) I would see you roll your eyes in his direction, and knew to keep pushing back. You reminded me that I wasn’t just standing up for myself in that situation, but that I was also standing up for other artists and writers. I just want to thank you here, and apologize for disrupting your reading.

Posted December 31st, 2015, in Craigslist Vancouver’s “Missed Connections.”

Write a scene involving a connection you missed. This does not necessarily need to be a missed romantic encounter; for example you could write about a friendship that never formed, a relative never met, a person you wish you had spoken to. The goal this prompt is to make the reader feel a powerful emotion. Consider what you want the reader to feel after reading your piece—wistfulness? nostalgia? hope? relief?

For a compelling non-fiction piece about missed connections, read Rosemary Counter’s New York Times Modern Love essay, “A Craigslist ‘Missed Connections’ Lure.”

Details on EVENT’s 2016 annual Non-Fiction Contest.